I was recently re-reading through Matt Allington’s post that he did back when the REMOVEFILTERS() function was first introduced into the DAX language and I saw this post in the comments:
If a report is set up using the filter panel instead of slicers, will these filtering functions (ALL, REMOVEFILTERS, FILTER, ALLSELECTED, etc.) work as expected? For example if reporting percentages will the denominator calculate correctly?
John Thomas
Now it does not really matter if filter conditions are set using slicers or the filter panel. At the end of the day they get injected into the DAX query for a visual in the same way. You can check this yourself by creating a test file with 2 pages with the same visual, one with a slicer and the other with a page filter, then use the Performance Analyzer or the All Queries trace in DAX Studio to see the DAX query generated by both pages for that visual.
So the simple answer to this question is “yes” – if the filters work with slicers, they will work with the filter panel.
BUT, the astute among you may have noticed that I’ve qualified my answer by adding “if the filter conditions work with slicers”. Which might lead you to wonder- “Are there scenarios where the filter conditions don’t work?”. And when we are talking about filter modifiers like ALL() and REMOVEFILTERS() there are some scenarios where the results may be unexpected due to the way the the SUMMARIZECOLUMNS() function correlates filters from the same table together. If you want to find out more I suggest the you read through this article by Greg Baldini over on antifound.com which contains an in-depth analysis of this issue.
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